Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Could this be your problem?

Matthew 16:24-25 (King James Version)
24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Many people read this passage of scripture and think, I was born with a physical handicap so that is my cross. Or, I am not attractive, too tall or short, etc. But that is not it at all. Jesus is emphasizing denying yourself. Most people don't want to deny themselves anything. For one thing they have the wrong view of what is enough. Anything you do in excess, whethet it be eating, shopping, working, talking, sleeping, etc. There are many normal everyday things that turns into sin when you get excessive about them.
1. Excessive eating = Gluttony
2. Excessive shopping = Greed
3. Excessive sleeping=laziness
4. Excessive talking=Gossiping
5. Excessive working=Dependant on self not God
There are always consequences to sin. Gluttony will bring about health problems. Greed will bring debt. Staying in bed will keep you from your morning quiet time with the Lord. Many people hit the snooze button on the alarm clock and get up rushing because they don't want to be late. This causes stress. The old adage, silence is golden, the Bible says a talebearer breaks up friendships. Workaholics are not depending on God. They think they have to do extra to meet their needs. There again, they have the wrong view of what is enough.
All sins of excess have their roots in fear. Fear of not having enough, whether it be food, money, rest, or even attention. Gossips are extremely insecure people and talking is their way to get attention.
I wonder what would happen if:
1. The glutton ate right and exercised in order to take care of God's temple?
2. The person deep in debt paid off their debts and quit accumilating "stuff" so they could be a giver.
3. The lazy person got out of bed 30 minutes earlier and spent that time alone with God.
4. The gossiper, used their mouth only to bless and not to curse.
5. The workaholic would spend 40 hrs a week instead of 60 or 80 at his/her job so they could spend the remaining time with their family and Jesus.
I think the problem is that people tend to underestimate the verses that doesn't fit their lifestyle.
You may be guilty of one or more of these sins and are wondering, how do I get set free? Your freedom comes from what Christ did on the Cross. The majority of people look to Christ and the Cross for their salvation and leave it at that. But through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit you can be set free. Many people look to works, or their own self effort and that will never free you. Jesus said, it is the truth that sets us free. Are you willing to face the truth that what you are doing is sin? You won't know freedom until you do. Are you willing to change your focus? Get it off yourself and get it on Christ and His finished work. The Apostle Paul struggled for many years before he found freedom. Read Romans 6,7 & 8. If it was a struggle for him, know it will also be a struggle for you. Don't give up, and don't think you can reach a point of sinless perfection, you can't.
Recommended reading: http://www.enduringword.com/ Read David Guzik's commentary on Romans 6, 7 & 8. Click on "commentaries" on the left side of the screen. Another good thing to read is "The Vine and the Branches" by David Tryon. It is found @ http://www.ntmu.net/ Click on pressing issues on the left side of the screen. This book will set you free.

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