Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Natural Thing With A Spiritual Truth...

Read John 15:1-9

As we all know, there are many things in the natural world the Lord uses to get across a spiritual point. If you ever want to get a revelation about God's relationship with us study gardening. I happened across this book one day when I wanted to learn about pruning. What I got was a real spiritual blessing from reading this old book. Here are some of the highlights of the book.

Pruning is the art of cutting and otherwise removing unwanted plant growth to make the plant grow the way you want it to grow. You can prune to increase flowering or fruiting or to remove an injury or disease.
The basic reasons for pruning are: to train plants into desired forms, to rejuvenate old plants, to increase flowering and fruiting, to prevent future damage, to remove injury and disease, and to produce special forms are some of the reasons to prune.
To sum up, there are many kinds of pruning for many purposes, and how you prune depends to a very large extent upon what you are trying to do. All of them have one thing in common, however. They remove from a given plant some portion that interferes with our plans-our ideas of how the plant should look or behave, not nature's. God will prune off from us what interferes with His plan-His idea of how we should look or behave not the natural mans.
Pruning is usually done when the tree is dormant, not growing.
These are only a few of the highlights from the book "Pruning Made Easy" by Edwin F. Steffek I found something spiritual throughout the book. You could probably get any book on gardening and learn a lot of spiritual truths from it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Borrowed Blog on Proverbs...

So many of us Christians are very knowledgeable of God’s Word, few of us have attained wisdom. In case, you are not aware, there is a huge difference between KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM. Knowledge means we have the facts. For instance, know the books of the Bible and some of the main characters, can quote a few scriptures ("what thus said the Lord"), recite the commandants ("the thou shalt nots"), and is fluent in church jargon (Blessed & highly favored in the Lord); however, WISDOM is when you apply those facts to our daily life. In other words, not just talking about it but being about it and/or practicing what we preach.

Solomon summarizes in Chapter 1 the purpose of the Proverbs, which are to teach people wisdom, discipline and understanding so we will do what’s right, just and fair.
Solomon also tells us of the benefits of being wise (Proverbs 3-4)-
Long, prosperous life-
Favor with God & Man-
Good Judgment-
Health & Vitality-
Wealth, Honor-
Peace & Protection

Solomon also discusses in Proverbs 6, the seven things God HATES-
Haughty eyes (Arrogance or conceit)-
Hands that shed innocent blood (murderers)-
Schemers (always plotting evil)-
People quick to run to do evil-
False witness (lying snitches)-
Messy folks who keep drama going. (gossiper's)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stages of a Marriage...Too Funny!

The stages of a marriage as described by a husband's reactions to his wife's cold:

1st year: "Sugar dumpling, I'm worried about you, baby girl. You've got a bad sniffle. I'm putting you in the hospital for a general checkup."
2nd year: "Listen, honey, go to bed. I've called the doctor to rush right over here."
3rd year: "Better lie down, nothing like a little rest when you feel bad. I'll bring you something to eat."
4th year: "Look, dear, be sensible, after you feed the kids, and get the dishes washed, you'd better lie down for awhile."
5th year: "Why don't you get yourself an aspirin? And stop complaining so much!"
6th year: "If you'd just gargle or something instead of sitting around and barking in my face like a seal, I'd appreciate it."
7th year: "For Pete's sake, stop sneezing. What are you trying to do, give me pneumonia?!"

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ain't that the truth...

A rose can say I love you,
orchids can enthrall.
But a weed bouquet
in a chubby fist-
oh my, that says it all!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Of preachers who always have an answer on how to be free but never mentions the cross. They are exploiting you, not spiritually developing you. No matter how eloquent the preacher may sound if he leaves the cross out, he has left the power out.

For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with the wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. ICorinthians 1:17

Friday, May 15, 2009

Weight Loss Pt 5

How do you win any battle with sin? It has already been won. Jesus won the battle for you at the cross. You have to by faith and the power of the Holy Spirit working in you, nail that sin to the cross. Remember Paul's battle in the book of Roman's? History shows that Paul's battle could have been as long as 10 yrs. If it took the apostle Paul that long before he gained the victory, why do you think it would be any less for you? Yes, God does deliver and heal immediately, but that is not always the case. I have seen good christian people suffer long illnesses and others be miracously healed. I have seen people in bondage to alcohol and drugs be delivered immediately never to go back and I have seen people spend what seems like an eternity praying and fasting over their sin and not get victory.
For myself I was instantly delivered from smoking 24 yrs ago. The food addiction was not as easy, it was a lot of suffering and pain. I still deal with it on occasion. Why? I don't have that answer. I can tell you once you get a revelation about something, it changes the way you think and act. I will never look at food the same since that day in the buffet restaurant (see earlier blog) many years ago.
The important thing is don't give up. When you win the food battle you really win. Your health improves, you feel better about yourself. When you decide to use your body as a way to worship God it will open up a spiritual experience for you like you have never experienced before. You will get a new closeness to God. When He is so important to you that you choose what you are going to eat, or that you are going to exercise for Him, blessings are sure to follow. Be so thankful to Him that you take care of the temple that He resides in. Be determined. Get up every morning and choose whom you will serve for that day. I think it is interesting how much the Bible says about TODAY. Take it day by day. Getting started is the hardest part, so get started today. Don't put it off any longer. Ask God to strengthen and help you, He will.

The Greatness of America

I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there;
in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there;
in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there.
Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.
America is great because America is good.
And if America ever ceases to be good,
America will cease to be great.
-Alexis de Tocqueville

God's Revelation To Me About Permanent Weight Loss Pt 4

Part Four

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6

Obesity tends to run in families, but since family members share diet and lifestyle habits as well as genes, indentifying genetics as the sole cause may be difficult. You are not overweight because your grandma or your mom or anyone else in your family was overweight. You are overweight and they were too because of poor eating habits.

People are always looking for an excuse for their sin. The truth is what sets us free. As long as we can lay the blame on someone else we feel justified in our sin. The blame game started in the Garden of Eden.

The sin of gluttony is like any other sin, you can overcome it.

The steps God led me through to permanent weight loss:

1. I had to admit what I was doing was sin.
2. I had to change my focus. I had to get my focus off of the wisdom of this world and get my focus on God.
3. I had to SUFFER. I had to learn new habits. I had to make myself exercise. I still do. I exercise on a regular basis.

Again, we are looking for the easy way out. It is like the wondering in the wilderness for 40 yrs. They went around the same mountain again and again. It took them 40yrs to make an 11 day trip! It is the same with weight loss. The trip is a whole lot shorter if you do it God's way.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Footnote To My Weight Loss Blogs...

I might add while I am testifying to my revelation on gluttony and weight loss, don't think you will be perfect everyday. And don't be too hard on yourself if you do have a set back. I would like to say that since I lost all of the weight over 10 years ago that I have stayed that way. I have for the most part, but there have been times when I have failed and put on 10lbs or so. But I can tell you my lifestyle has changed since the revelation. Sometimes you have to start fresh, that is why Jesus said take up your cross DAILY. It is a daily battle. Satan won't let up, but it will get easier. When I do fail and eat that extra helping of ice cream or cake I am reminded that God is not going to topple off of His Throne if I gain 5lbs. And he is not going to love me any less. I wish I could put into words the freedom of it all. That is what Jesus is all about, freedom. He paid a dear price for our freedom.

When I first got the revelation I was so excited I exercised so much and ate ONLY the right foods and I actually got too skinny. My husband looked at me one day and said, "you are way too skinny, you look awful, you need some meat on you!" That thrilled me, but he was right, I was too skinny. You have to get a balance. I am 48 yrs old and I need to look like a 48 yr old woman, not a teenager! I have got some pictures of myself thru the years on my myspace page @
But I skipped the years of my "fat years" so I may post one of my fat pictures on my
blog in the near future.

God's Revelation To Me About Permanent Weight Loss Pt 3

Part Three
Worldly wisdom verses Godly wisdom - For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. ICorinthians 3:9
ICorinthians 1:19,20 says that God has made foolish the wisdom of this world.

According to statistics, americans spend BILLIONS of dollars every year on weight loss. They buy various books, supplements, go to various seminars, etc. Take a look at the magazine rack at your local grocery store and you will get all the worldy wisdom you would ever want. When I see those magazines now I laugh at the stupidity. It is so clear to me now. Even though americans have spent billions we remain the most obese nation on the face of the earth. That statistic alone should tell us diets and diet pills are a failure.

Worldly wisdom tells us to count calories, count fat grams, count carbs, etc. That is not freedom, that is bondage. I use to make myself dizzy doing all that counting. It was constantly on my mind. Anything first place in your life is an idol. Even if you don't want to admit it, it is. I made idols out of diets and weight loss. God's answer is so simple it is laughable. Quit eating when you are full! To think we spend our money, our time, our energy getting so stressed out over something the answer is so simple. Oh, the deceitfulness of sin! If we would be honest, we want to hang on to our sin, and take the latest miracle pill so we can continue to eat all the junk food we want to eat, and stay healthy and look good. Your are living in a delusion if you think that is possible. When I first lost the weight many years ago I was asked numerous times what I did to lose the weight. I would respond, "I went on the no fail, old fashion diet, eat right and exercise." I got the same response every time, they would throw their hand and gesture, and say, "oh, that." Why did they respond that way, it was evident I lost an enormus amount of weight? That is not what they wanted to hear. They wanted to hear I took a pill, or the latest diet craze. Trust me, God's way IS the easy way out.

The Bible also says in Proverbs 14:12 there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Satan has all kinds of traps set for us and I believe all these diets and pills are his traps because he knows they lead to further bondage. I was at church one Sunday and a lady that was in her fifties went to the altar for prayer. She was obese, at least 50lbs overweight, and I heard her tell the preacher, please pray for me, the devil put diabetes on me. I thought at that moment, no the devil had nothing to do with it, you did it to yourself with the years of overeating and not the proper amount of exercise. Deuteronomy 30:19 says I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefor choose life... We spend our whole lives digging our graves with a fork and when we reap the consequences of that we expect to get in a prayer line and it all go away instantly. Yes God does heal, but you have to do your part as well. It is like the person that spends their life spending and charging and heaping up and gets in deep debt because of their lack of self control and thinks that because they tithe and give God is going to send them a breakthrough and all their debt will be wiped away in an instant. God is not going to bless an idolator, it doesn't matter if your idol is food or money, you will reap what you sow. Self control, a fruit of the spirit is a good study.
Part Four tomorrow

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

God's Revelation To Me About Permanent Weight Loss Pt 2

Part Two
James 1:5 says thst if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally...God's answer to me was that I didn't need a miracle diet or pill to get rid of the weight, I needed to get rid of the sin.

I was at a buffett restaurant one day and I looked around and what I saw was everyone with their plates piled so high they couldn't get another spoonful on their plate if they wanted too. Some of the people were shoveling the food in so fast, it was as if they wasn't even aware of what they were doing. I saw people leaving with their hands on their stomach, groaning, saying they ate too much. It is something we do so regularly we don't give it much thought. But we should, eating IS a spiritual matter. God has a lot to say about it in His Word. I was looking around again, and suddenly it was all funny to me. It was so funny I had to leave the restaurant. It was funny because suddenly I realized everyone is looking for this profound answer to weight loss, myself included, and the answer is a simple one. God's answer, quit eating when you are full. Stop overeating. A glutton is simply one who eats too much. What? That's it? Yes, that is it.

After that experience, I did a word study in the Bible on gluttony. I was getting my focus on God and off of food. During my study God was breaking my heart about the sin of gluttony. I no longer wanted to lose weight so I could look good in a pair of jeans, I wanted to lose weight for Him.

After the revelation comes the living it out. I didn't jump up out of my prayer closet with all knowledge on what to do. I had to learn new habits. I had to learn to put less food on my plate and quit eating the moment I started to feel full. I had to learn to substitute all the junk food I was so accustom to eating with nutritious foods. God doesn't always instanly deliver us, sometimes we have to go thru. In my early twenties God did instantly deliver me from smoking cigarettes. Which I thought I would put on weight but I didn't. It didn't affect my weight at all.

One of the things God showed me about the sin of gluttony is that it is completely ignored in the church world. If you go to church and look around, there are many of God's people in bondage to food. You will see obese people singing in the choir, in the office of deacon, even standing behind the pulpit. The Bible puts the glutton in the same category as the alcoholic. What church would let an alcoholic sit in any office in the church? But we ignore the problem on the basis we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. We tend to ignore the scriptures that doesn't fit our lifestyle. Satan must laugh because he has so many people trapped. I was one of those people for years.

Jesus said in John 8:32 it is the truth that sets us free. It was when I faced the truth that what I was doing was sin I started on my way to permanent weight loss. Jesus said in verse 34 that whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin. I can testify to that. I was a slave to all the fad diets. I wanted what I thought was the easy way out. The truth is we want to take a miracle pill and hang on to our sin.

Diets and diet pills are man made, nothing man made will free you from sin.
Part Three tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God's Revelation To Me About Permanent Weight Loss

Part One

To begin I was the skinny kid who no matter what I ate, or no matter how much I ate, I could not gain weight. That was the trend for me all the way thru my twenties. As a teenager I would eat super weight on tablets, and tried different things to make myself gain weight, but nothing worked. With my first baby I weighed only 125lbs at delivery. With my second baby I weighed 150lbs but the weight quickly came off and before I knew it I was back to my 100lbs. Little did I know how blessed I was. That would change in my thirties.

I had a hysterectomy at the age of 28 and after that and 2 babies and turning 30 I noticed my body started to change. I was gaining weight and gaining it rapidly. At first I was so thrilled with it, happy I would no longer look like a toothpick that I ate and gained, and gained. Then finally one day I looked in the mirror and noticed I was fat! I told myself, "this has to stop."

What did I do to stop it? I did what Psalm 1 warns against. I took counsel from the ungodly by trying all the fad diets and pills. Only thing, none of them was a permanent solution. I would lose weight, gain it back, lose again, gain it back, on and on this cycle went. I would pray for God to decrease my appetite and take away my sweet cravings. Nothing worked. The diets didn't work and my prayers weren't being answered. After about 6 yrs of this I asked God for wisdom.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Word of Wisdom...

The smallest obedient act is better than the greatest intention.

There is an old saying that goes like this: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What in life have you intended to do but haven't gotten around to yet? Maybe you want to lose some weight and get in better shape. I have heard it said, better to spend 30 minutes a day exercising than spend hrs every week in a drs office. The greatest excuse is, I don't have time. Do you have time to run back and forth to a dr, or wait in line at the local pharmacy?

Maybe you have intended on spending more quiet time with God, but can't seem to get around to it. There are 2 things I have never been sorry I did; one is exercising, the other is spending time with God. I have never said to myself, gee, I am sorry I exercised or I'm sorry that I spent that time in prayer and Bible study.

Yes, these are two of the things in life we get the greatest benefit from but it is also the two things we procrastinate about the most. Why? Because it is the last thing the devil wants for you, to get to know God better and to be in good health. The devil knows if he can get your health down, he can manipulate your time with God because you won't feel like doing anything. Set aside time everyday for both of these activities, you can't afford not to.

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. ICor 6:20

That is an interesting verse, glorify God in your body(eat right and exercise) and in your spirit, (prayer and Bible study) People forget the great price God paid for them and forget Who they belong to.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fear Not...

I have heard there are 365 fear nots in the Bible, one for every day of the year. I have not researched it myself so I cannot say that is a fact. But needless to say, the Bible has plenty to say about fear. As christians we really have nothing to fear. But if you look around there is fear everywhere. On the news, at work, at school, the drs office, just about anywhere you go you will find fear. The latest fear is the swine flu. Everyone has been engrossed with fear over the economy but as soon as their health gets endangered the economy is quickly forgotten. I recall an old rhyme I had read on a gospel tract that went like this:
To lose one's wealth is sad indeed,
To lose one's health is more,
To lose one's soul is such a loss
That no man can restore.

I think the answer to all of this fear is to get our eyes off of self and get them on Jesus. You will find that your fears will be relieved. Read and memorize Psalm 91.