Part Three
Worldly wisdom verses Godly wisdom - For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. ICorinthians 3:9
ICorinthians 1:19,20 says that God has made foolish the wisdom of this world.
According to statistics, americans spend BILLIONS of dollars every year on weight loss. They buy various books, supplements, go to various seminars, etc. Take a look at the magazine rack at your local grocery store and you will get all the worldy wisdom you would ever want. When I see those magazines now I laugh at the stupidity. It is so clear to me now. Even though americans have spent billions we remain the most obese nation on the face of the earth. That statistic alone should tell us diets and diet pills are a failure.
Worldly wisdom tells us to count calories, count fat grams, count carbs, etc. That is not freedom, that is bondage. I use to make myself dizzy doing all that counting. It was constantly on my mind. Anything first place in your life is an idol. Even if you don't want to admit it, it is. I made idols out of diets and weight loss. God's answer is so simple it is laughable. Quit eating when you are full! To think we spend our money, our time, our energy getting so stressed out over something the answer is so simple. Oh, the deceitfulness of sin! If we would be honest, we want to hang on to our sin, and take the latest miracle pill so we can continue to eat all the junk food we want to eat, and stay healthy and look good. Your are living in a delusion if you think that is possible. When I first lost the weight many years ago I was asked numerous times what I did to lose the weight. I would respond, "I went on the no fail, old fashion diet, eat right and exercise." I got the same response every time, they would throw their hand and gesture, and say, "oh, that." Why did they respond that way, it was evident I lost an enormus amount of weight? That is not what they wanted to hear. They wanted to hear I took a pill, or the latest diet craze. Trust me, God's way IS the easy way out.
The Bible also says in Proverbs 14:12 there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Satan has all kinds of traps set for us and I believe all these diets and pills are his traps because he knows they lead to further bondage. I was at church one Sunday and a lady that was in her fifties went to the altar for prayer. She was obese, at least 50lbs overweight, and I heard her tell the preacher, please pray for me, the devil put diabetes on me. I thought at that moment, no the devil had nothing to do with it, you did it to yourself with the years of overeating and not the proper amount of exercise. Deuteronomy 30:19 says I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefor choose life... We spend our whole lives digging our graves with a fork and when we reap the consequences of that we expect to get in a prayer line and it all go away instantly. Yes God does heal, but you have to do your part as well. It is like the person that spends their life spending and charging and heaping up and gets in deep debt because of their lack of self control and thinks that because they tithe and give God is going to send them a breakthrough and all their debt will be wiped away in an instant. God is not going to bless an idolator, it doesn't matter if your idol is food or money, you will reap what you sow. Self control, a fruit of the spirit is a good study.
Part Four tomorrow
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